Sunday, December 13

Walgreens Huggies Deal!

**As with all coupons depending on where you live you might have different coupons ~ below are from Utah)

Transaction #1
Get: Gillette Fusion razor (the "power" one is pictured!)
Sale Price: $8.99
Use: Gillette Fusion Razor, any $4/1 (12-31-09) PG-11/29
Pay: $4.99
Get: $4 in register rewards

Transaction #2

Get: Huggies Jumbo pack diapers, training pants or goodnights
Sale Price: $8.99
Use: Huggies Diapers, any $1.50/1 (12-31-09) SS-11/15
Use Store Coupon: $1/1 pkg Huggies from the coloring book. *(See end of post for details on the coloring book)
Use Register Rewards: $4 from previous transaction
Pay: $2.49
Get: $2 in register rewards!
You can roll this $2 register reward into another transaction #1 and rinse repeat.

Also keep your eyes out for some in-store coupons. At my store they have these were the ads are up front. Its just 4 pages of copied Walgreens coupons stapled together, all expiring 12/24/09. There's some great deals using these coupons:

If your a Pampers user instead of the great Huggies deal this week you could:
Price: usually around $10.99
Use: Pampers Diaper or Pants, any $1.50/1 (12-31-09) PG-11/29
Use Store coupons: $1/1 Pampers Jumbo pack diapers
Pay: about $8.99

Also check out the huggies wipes!
Price: $2.69 -$3.99 depending on area
Use: Huggies Baby Wipes, any 64 ct. or larger .50/1 (12-31-09) SS-11/15
Use Store coupon: $1/1 huggies baby wipes 64 or 72 pk
Pay: $1.19- $2.49
Id say that's a stock up price!

*The Coloring book can be found in the pharmacy or coloring book section. If your having a hard time finding it make sure to as a cashier or manager, they sometimes keep them out of site since they have coupons inside. The first sheet in these have a sheet of store coupons that are kid related. Remember with these coupons you keep them and just have the cashier scan and give it back!

Thanks Pinching your Pennies for the Info

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