Tuesday, October 27

Baby Einstein DVD Refund Offer

What? Watching Baby Einstein DVDs won't make my child a genius?? I'm sorry, I have just have to laugh over this hulabaloo, but might take advantage of it myself.

Seems that the Walt Disney Company is now offering refunds for all those Baby Einstein videos. The current offer allows parents to exchange their video for a different title, receive a discount coupon, or get $15.99 each for up to four returned DVDs (bought between June 5, 2004, and Sept. 5, 2009), requires no receipt, and extends until next March 10, 2010.
You can read the full story at The New York Times.


PoorMom said...

What lawsuit ???? People are sooo stupid , nothing, especially not a video, is going to remedy that !

Ashley said...

that's just funny to me. quinn never liked them but I didn't expect them to make him a genius baby!!