Friday, October 9

Free GrocerySmarts Coupon Class In Utah County

Want to Save Money? Utah County

In about an hour at my FREE class you will learn how to shop smart, spend less, save more, & still stock your pantry.

How do I shop smart? It's so easy. I use to plan my weekly shopping list. Then I get coupon inserts from the Sunday paper (1 per person in the family) And, by combining the online shopping list with the coupons, I literally save hundreds of dollars each month on my groceries, toiletries and household products.

At the class you will learn you how to organize coupons with a "5 minute method" and how using the website will help you cut your grocery bill in half. Plus I will hook you up with a sweet deal on the Las Vegas Review Journal for as little as $.75 for the Sunday only Newspaper Subscriptions.

This is a great opportunity to really understand how to save the most money utilizing the GrocerySmarts website & our blog. For more information on the class see the left hand bar.

Call Jennifer @ (801) 341-4426 or e-mail smilebehappyjennifer at yahoo dot com to RSVP to the next class this Thursday @ 7-8PM!

Email Sarah to find out when the next class is in Las Vegas**

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