Wednesday, September 9

Cheap Libby's Vegetables at Smiths

Smith's caselot sale is here again, and although you all know I am NOT a fan of buying in bulk at caselot time UNLESS it is a good deal according to Grocery Smarts (just because you buy it by the case does NOT make it cheaper) there is a good deal to be had on Libby's vegetables.

Here is a printable coupon for $1.00/3 cans. PLUS awhile back Sunday's Parade magazine had coupons for $1.00/3 cans which I clipped and filed away in my loose coupon organizer. So if you have access to a couple of computers or you and some other coupon-clipping friends combine forces, you can get free vegetables. Otherwise, it is still a great deal. I can print two coupons and I have 4 coupons from Parade, so that will save me $6 on a case of vegetables, essentially making them only $.25/can. YEAH!


Anonymous said...

the link is not working. can you please tell us if you think it's the site/link/my computer? thanks.

Sarah Kay said...

I fixed the link. It should be working now.